ACCORD ENERGY S.A. is an officially licensed company by the «Ministry of Environment & Energy» with a «B1 license for Marine Fuels». With our headquarters in Piraeus, one of the most significant and active global shipping centers, we are ready to respond efficiently to the needs & requirements of our customers on a 24/7 basis. Founded in 2016, ACCORD ENERGY S.A. has become very quickly a trustworthy, modern and flexible…
Your tried-and-true bunker physical supplier in Greece
High Quality Services
High Quality Customer Care
High Quality Products
Competitive Prices
Our Products
We can supply all grades of Marine Fuels to all types of Vessels, including Bulk Carriers, Oil Tankers, LNG Tankers, Container Vessels, Vehicle Carriers, Cruise Ships, Coastal Ships etc.
Our products are sourced from Hellenic Petroleum S.A. Refineries and they are in full accordance with Marpol regulations.
Our Fleet
Our fleet is in full compliance with the regulations and applicable standards of petroleum shipping industry for bunkering operations.

Feel free to get in touch with us any convenient way
Tel.: +30 210 4129200 Fax: +30 210 4129250